old year’s resolutions

i’m pretty sure this year i am going to spend more money than i should. this isn’t a change, i do this every year but i think it’s one i’m going to keep going because i dont make enough cash but i like food and i like video games. this is really all i spend money on anyway. oh, comic books. lots of comic books.

this year i noticed people’s eyes are getting farther apart. i will call this ‘evolution’. but maybe soon we wont have eyes on the front of our face but the side like some kind of fishy lizard thing. the amount of dates will lower but sex will still happen just as much.

this last year i discovered eggs in a nest and it is how i am starting this year; like the yummy egg in a hole in a toast, i will be a little purple bruised eyed bird baby sticking his head out trying to check shit out. the year will go like it always does, half not bad with lots of shit mixed in, but i will try and react to it differently, like a naive little wet thing that just entered the world ready to give everything a chance. i will either learn to fly, or fried and eaten with some hash browns. delicious.

happy new year